I am facing an issue with regular expressions.
I am trying to get numbers which aren't followed by centimeters or inches as shown in below examples:
30.5 XXL Height 175.5 cm
- this should return only 30.5 as 175.5 has "cm" attached to it
34 inches XL 54
- this should return only 54 as 34 has inches
How can I do this with a regular expression?
Use negative lookahead (?!)
Regex: \d+(?:\.\d+)?(?=(?: (?!cm|inches)|$))
Positive lookahead(?:)
Non-capturing group(?!)
Negative lookahead|
Asserts position at the end of a lineVBA code:
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?=(?: (?!cm|inches)|$))"
For Each Match In re.Execute("30.5 XXL Height 175.5 cm")
Debug.Print (Match)