Got a Spring MVC app, two Entities - Player and PlayerDetails, would like to add PlayerDetails to existing Player, but to do so I need to have a player id passed through parameter. But I can't pass a paremeter from JSP page, where I'm using Spring form. Still getting "Required String parameter 'playerId' is not present". I got the value already on JSP page, but the issue is to pass it through form to method. When I remove @RequestParam from method, and hardcode "theInt2" inside method everything is ok.
public String savePlayerDetails(@RequestParam("playerId") String theInt,
@ModelAttribute("details") PlayerDetails playerDetails){
int theInt2 = Integer.parseInt(theInt);
playerDetailsService.savePlayerDetails(theInt2, playerDetails);
return "redirect:/players/list";
<%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="" %>
<form:form action="savePlayerDetails" modelAttribute="details" method="POST">
<form:hidden path="id"/>
Date of birth: <form:input path="dateOfBirth"/>
Email: <form:input path="email"/>
Preferred Foot: <form:input path="preferredFoot"/>
Short info: <form:input path="shortInfo"/>
${player.playerId} <!-- just for test, player id is shown here -->
<input type="submit" value="Save" class="save" />
you are not passing playerId
from your form, add another input to you form like below
<input type="hidden" name="playerId" value="${player.playerId}"/>
<form:hidden path="playerId"/>
should also work