When a user shares a webpage from a mobile browser's share menu to WeChat, a thumbnail image is rendered with that link as intended (the open graph image is populated). If the user opens that link, the WeChat's in-app browser is opened. Now, when user clicks to share that link from within the in-app browser, the thumbnail is no longer there (empty thumbnail link is displayed).
What is different about WeChat's in-app browser that makes it so the open graph image is not captured in the thumbnail like it is when shared via a normal browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
Thank you in advance.
WeChat Provides a JSSDK, with the Share API in it you can specify the title
, link
, thumbnail
, desc
, etc of share behavior of current open page inside in-WeChat-browser.
For Example, I have a Page, title
: A, link
: b, link
:, image
: b.jpg, etc. wx.onMenuShareTimeline({
title: 'b',
link: '',
imgUrl: 'image/to/b.jpg'