I am making SalesOrderQuery to fetch Sales Orders created in Quickbooks Desktop Enterprise Version 18.0.
I have created some sales orders in QB Desk and querying for them but, I can not find sales orders items that I have added while creating order.
The OSR shows me that SalesOrderQueryRs will contain SalesOrderLineRet that I am assuming is item list of that order.
OSR ( https://developer-static.intuit.com/qbsdk-current/common/newosr/index.html )
This is my sample query :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbxml version="7.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
<SalesOrderQueryRq requestID="2">
And this is the resp that I am getting that does not have Item List included :
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<SalesOrderQueryRs requestID="3" statusCode="0" statusMessage="Status OK" statusSeverity="Info">
<FullName>Allard, Robert</FullName>
<FullName>Custom Sales Order</FullName>
<Addr1>Robert Allard</Addr1>
<Addr2>92834 Chandler St.</Addr2>
<Addr1>Robert Allard</Addr1>
<Addr2>92834 Chandler St.</Addr2>
<Addr3>Millbrae, CA 94030</Addr3>
<Addr1>Robert Allard</Addr1>
<Addr2>92834 Chandler St.</Addr2>
<Addr1>Robert Allard</Addr1>
<Addr2>92834 Chandler St.</Addr2>
<Addr3>Millbrae, CA 94030</Addr3>
<FullName>San Tomas</FullName>
<FullName>Test Order 2 having Wood Doors in order.</FullName>
Is there any mistake in my QBXML request or anything else needed for this ?
The SalesOrderQuery
request type supports a few optional flags you can pass in to adjust what you get back in the responses.
<IncludeLineItems >BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems> <!-- optional -->
<IncludeLinkedTxns >BOOLTYPE</IncludeLinkedTxns> <!-- optional -->
In your case, if you want line items then you should add this to your query:
And then you'll get back the <SalesOrderLineRet>
nodes you're expecting.