
django InlineFormsets errors reporting with formset error list being empty

I have a strange error on creation using Django inline formsets.

Django is reporting formset errors, so it doesn't finish the creation.

Also I tested is_valid and it returns true. What is wrong ?

but if I check them there is nothing in the dictionary of errors:


[{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]


{%  if formset.errors %}
        {% for error  in formset.errors %}
            error {{ error }}
        {% endfor %}
{%  endif %} 


I think I understand the issue:

{%  if formset.errors %} even if I have [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}] will pass.

If I use {% if not formset.errors %}, will block also when I have real errors.

Checking if a list is empty is not working, because is not really empty, it has empty dictionaries.

I can use a loop inside the form list to check the dictionaries, but going this for each field or form/formset I don't see it as a good option.


  • Firstly, check that the formset is bound.


    If you haven't bound the formset to any data, then it won't have any errors but it will never be valid.

    Secondly, make sure you are calling the is_valid method


    Finally, note that formset.errors returns a list of dictionaries containing the errors for each form. There is also formset.non_form_errors(), whic returns errors that do not belong to a particular form.