I'm making a strongly typed toy functional programming language. It uses the Hindley Milner algorithm as type inference algorithm.
Implementing the algorithm, I have a question on how to infer types of the mutually recursive functions.
let rec f n = if n == 0 then 0 else g (n - 1)
let rec g n = if n == 0 then 0 else f (n - 1)
and g
are mutually recursive functions. Now, when the type checker is inferring the type of function f
, it should also be able to infer the type of function g
, since it is a subexpression.
But, in that moment, function g
is not defined yet. Therefore, the type checker doesn't even know the existence of function g
, as well as the type of function g
, obviously.
What are some solutions that real world compilers/intepreters use?
In OCaml, mutually recursive values are separated by the keyword and
instead of another let rec
. When the typing system arrives at a recursive definitions, it adds all the recursive names to the environment and then continues pretty much as usual.
UPDATE (thanks to K.A. Buhr):
It is totally possible to create a new variable with type 'a
(with 'a
being fresh) and then later unify it. Be sure to generalize your variable at the right place (usually, after the definition).