I am protecting my string using this code to insert it into the database:
function protect($string){
$string = mysql_real_escape_string($string);
return $string;
I then unprotect it using this code so that I can echo it out from the database:
function echoprotect($string){
$string = nl2br($string);
$string = stripslashes($string);
return $string;
The nl2br doesn't seem to work and I don't know why. The output I get is:
HellornrnThe content ect...
instead of:
the content ect...
From the mysql_real_escape_string manual:
mysql_real_escape_string() calls MySQL's library function mysql_real_escape_string, which prepends backslashes to the following characters: \x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a.
So nl2br()
is ignoring the escaped \n's and \r's, methinks.