
PhpStorm not typehinting class method return types in trait

Suppose i have a set of classes

class A {

    use Dummy;

    function getB() : B { ... }


class B {

    function foo() { ... }


trait Dummy {

    function works() {
        if ($this instanceof A)
            $this -> getB() -> foo();   // Typehinting works

    function doesntWork() {
        $this -> getB() -> foo(); // Method foo not found in...


How do I get PhpStorm to get typehinting work as supposed in method doesntWork? I really get annoyed by this because lots of my work relies on using main class methods in traits like this and I get lots of distracting yellow color in PhpStorm...


  • You cannot do much right now -- it's an IDE issue. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
