
Error while calculating Catalan number sequence

Whatever I tried this following code throws ArithmeticException with message "Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result." on bigger numbers (like 43, 50, 56 etc).

Here is the code:

private BigDecimal catalan(int n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
        return BigInteger.ONE;
    return BigDecimal.valueOf(4)
            .multiply(new BigDecimal(catalan(n - 1)));

This method works flawlessly on small n numbers but when it comes to higher values it crashes.


  • The Exception occurs because of the line


    Here you did not give a precision scale, which means that it is possible to get an infinitely long decimal expansion, e.g when dividing 1 by 3.

    To solve the error you need to put in a rounding scale and a rounding mode.


    .divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(n).add(BigDecimal.ONE), 10, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)