
How to limit selected items in vue-select?

I use vue-select for multiple values. Here is an example:

I have the following code:

<v-select multiple v-model="selected" :options="options"></v-select>

And JS:

Vue.component('v-select', VueSelect.VueSelect)

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    selected: ['foo','bar'],
    options: ['foo','bar','baz']

Thank you!


  • You can use the v-on:input listener to see how many items are selected.

    Then pass it a simple function as:

     <v-select multiple v-model="selected" :options="options" v-on:input="limiter"></v-select>

    After this, create a function called limiter in your methods and you'll get the current list of selected inputs,as

      methods: {
        limiter(e) {
          if(e.length > 2) {
            console.log(' you can only select two', e)

    Now, if you add more than 2 items then the last one will be remove and you will see the console log