Currently I'm trying to register findFiles step. My set up is as follows:
Inside TestJavaApp.groovy I have:
import com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.RegressionTest
import com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.BasePipelineTest
class TestJavaLibraryPipeline extends BasePipelineTest implements RegressionTest {
// Some overridden setUp() which loads shared libs
// and registers methods referenced in javaLib.groovy
void registerPipelineMethods() {
def fileList = [new File("testFile1"), new File("testFile2")]
helper.registerAllowedMethod('findFiles', { f -> return fileList })
and my javaLib.groovy contains this currently failing part:
def pomFiles = findFiles glob: "target/publish/**/${JOB_BASE_NAME}*.pom"
if (pomFiles.length < 1) { // Fails with java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'length' on null object
error("no pom file found")
I have tried multiple closures returning various objects, but everytime I get NPE. Question is - how to correctly register "findFiles" method?
N.B. That I'm very new to mocking and closures in groovy.
So I found a way on how to mock findFiles
when I needed length property:
helper.registerAllowedMethod('findFiles', [Map.class], { [length: findFilesLength ?: 1] })
This also allows to change findFilesLength
variable in tests to test different conditions in pipeline like the one in my OP.