
Working with multiple Windows Using Interface Builder

How to work with multiple windows in Cocoa? I have created a cocoa application. When I run that application it automatically shows a default window. I've added a button in the window. When I click the button I want to open another window named MySecondWindow which I created in IB..

I created Window controller (MySecondWindowController) for MySecondWindow and linked it to the nib in IB. When I click the button in my main window, I am calling an IBAction that creates an instance of MySecondWindowController and calling the NSApp beginSheet: method with [mySecondWindowObj window]. I am getting the Modal session requires modal window message in NSlog. When I try to print [mySecondWindowObj window] in NSLog, it prints null..

I don't know what to do. What are the necessary things should be done to make this work? I need help..



  • YourWindowController* sheet;
    [[NSApplication sharedApplication] beginSheet:[sheet window]
                                   modalForWindow:[[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainWindow]

    Make sure your window is getting properly instantiated. Make sure the "Visible At Launch" option in IB isn't checked.

    EDIT: I just noticed you're loading this window from a separate nib file. Make sure you're loading it properly. Use this:

    YourWindowController* sheet = [[YourWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"NameOfNibMinusExtension"];


    Check and make sure the "File Owner" type is set to your custom window controller's classname, and that it's "window" is set to the window in the Nib.

    Right-Click (or Cmd+Click) on File's Owner, and ensure the "window" property is connected to the corresponding window. Also, once again, make sure that the window's "Visible on Launch" is NOT checked.