
Remove layers (keys) from heavily nested JSON in JSCRIPT/VBA

I am parsing a heavily nested JSON in VBA, using scriptcontrol/jscript. The resulting JSON object is super nested, and has recurring 'useless' levels / layers called 'buckets'.

Is there a way I can remove these collectively from either my json string or the parsed json object?

Imagine it something like this:


I'd only need the 'doc_count_error_upper_bound' value, and could essentially do without all the 0s and without all the buckets, making it less nested into:


This would still be pretty heavily nested, but saves me a lot of headaches already. I just do not know how I could do this with jscript/scriptcontrol in VBA (es3).

The source data is coming from a Kibana dashboard (examples on http://demo.elastic.co/ )

Thanks for any help!


UPDATE: Question regarding VBA code - the VBA code I have is irrelevant, as it's the standard way of loading a json string into an object via scriptcontrol.

I do not use EVAL, but for example purposes, it would be something like the below:

Dim Scr as Object, Json as Object
Set Scr = CreateObject("Scriptcontrol")
Scr.Language = "Jscript"

Set Json = Scr.Eval("(" & WinHTTP.ResponseText & ")")

I cannot share an example of the JSON string, as it contains sensitive data. But ultimately, that's beside the question. Consider example https://adobe.github.io/Spry/data/json/donuts.js

On the top there, is "batter" as key in between "batters" and the different IDs. If I'd want to remove that key, but keep the underlying ID data - how would I do that, through a js scrip that works in scriptcontrol in VBA?

omegastripes answer worked very well, however, I failed to realize that a number of the keys I wanted to remove (the 'buckets' and '0' etc) had keys and values under them.

Let's take the example of the donuts, just altered a bit - see here: https://pastebin.com/WxYir7vK

now I would want to remove the '0', '1', '2' etc keys without losing the underlying sub-keys. However, for omegastripes code to work, I'd have to delete keys 'sequence', 'variant', 'name', and 'ppu' from all layers / throughout the json.

I can do that for one of them, for one layer with the function below:

function unseat(obj, prop) { for(var k in obj[prop]) obj[k] = obj[prop][k]; delete obj[prop]; return obj; } 

And then calling the functio 'unseat (JSONObj, "variant")' - this works, but only for one of the four variables at a time and only for one layer. How can I alter this so that I can remove it throughout the object, for all four at once, so that afterwards I can use omegastripes code to unwrap.

1) I take this json string: https://pastebin.com/WxYir7vK 2) parse it into script control into VBA
3) loop through it and remove all 'sequence', 'variant', 'name' and 'ppu' key/value pairs
4) unwrap it via omegastripes code.

Step 1 / 2 and 4 are taken care of - but how to do 3?



  • Using ScriptControl for parsing JSON has the following shortcomings (check this answer for details):

    Anyway if you are confident that operating in JScript environment is the only way, you may unwrap excessive nesting of objects and arrays structure using the below functions:

    function gParse(sample) {
        return eval('(' + sample + ')');
    function gUnwrap(sample) {
        for (var key in sample) {
            sample[key] = gUnwrap(sample[key]);
        var count = 0;
        for (var key in sample) {
            if (count == 2) break;
        if (count == 1) {
            var type = gGetType(sample);
            if (type == 'Array' || type == 'Object') {
                var type = gGetType(sample[key]);
                if (type == 'Array' || type == 'Object') {
                    return sample[key];
        return sample;
    function gGetType(sample) {
        return {}.toString.call(sample).slice(8, -1);

    That could be done in VBA as shown below:

    Option Explicit
    Sub Test()
        Dim sJSON As String
        Dim ParseJSON As Object
        Dim UnwrapJSON As Object
        Dim oJSON As Object
        With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
            .Open "GET", "https://adobe.github.io/Spry/data/json/donuts.js", False
            sJSON = .responseText
        End With
        With CreateObject("htmlfile")
            With .parentWindow
                .execScript "function gParse(sample) {return eval('(' + sample + ')')};"
                .execScript "function gUnwrap(sample) {for (var key in sample) {sample[key] = gUnwrap(sample[key]);}; var count = 0; for (var key in sample) {count++; if (count == 2) break;}; if (count == 1) {var type = gGetType(sample); if (type == 'Array' || type == 'Object') {var type = gGetType(sample[key]); if (type == 'Array' || type == 'Object') {return sample[key];}}}; return sample;};"
                .execScript "function gGetType(sample) {return {}.toString.call(sample).slice(8, -1)};"
                Set ParseJSON = .gParse
                Set UnwrapJSON = .gUnwrap
            End With
        End With
        Set oJSON = UnwrapJSON(ParseJSON(sJSON))
    End Sub

    The locals window shows JSON object for the sample you provided as follows:


    And unwrapped JSON object:
