Does anyone have any idea of the API to run UI scripts on Microsoft app center?
I tried{owner_name}/{app_name}/test_runs/{test_run_id}/report
from but its not working.
Does anyone have any idea of the API to run UI scripts on Microsoft app center?
Initiating a test run in Test Cloud requires the App Center CLI tool.
appcenter test status Checks the status of the started test run
appcenter test stop Stop the started test run
appcenter test generate appium Generates an Appium project
appcenter test generate uitest Generates a Xamarin.UITest project
appcenter test prepare appium Creates an artifacts directory with Appium tests
appcenter test prepare calabash Creates an artifacts directory with Calabash tests
appcenter test prepare espresso Creates an artifacts directory with Espresso tests
appcenter test prepare uitest Creates an artifacts directory with Xamarin UI Tests
appcenter test prepare xcuitest Creates an artifacts directory with XCUITest tests
appcenter test run appium Starts a test run with Appium tests
appcenter test run calabash Starts a test run with Calabash tests
appcenter test run espresso Starts a test run with Espresso tests
appcenter test run manifest Starts a test run with previously prepared artifacts
appcenter test run uitest Starts a test run with Xamarin UI Tests
appcenter test run xcuitest Starts a test run with XCUITest tests