i found a similar problem: (Instance variables not being updated Python when using Multiprocessing), but still do not know the solutionn for my task.
The task is to stop a scapy sniff function after the completness of a testskript. the running duration of single testscripts can vary greatly (from some seconds till hours). My sniff function runs in a separate threat. The testscript calls an init Funktion in the beginning which calls the sniff Function from an other modul.
def SaveFullTrafficPcap(self, TestCase, Termination):
Full_Traffic = []
PktList = []
FullPcapName = Settings['GeneralSettings']['ResultsPath']+TestCase.TestCaseName +"Full_Traffic_PCAP.pcap"
#while Term.Termination < 1:
Full_Traffic = sniff(lfilter=None, iface=str(Settings['GeneralSettings']['EthInterface']), store=True, prn = lambda x: Full_Traffic.append(x), count=0, timeout=Term.Termination)
wrpcap(FullPcapName, Full_Traffic)
SYS.ABS_print("No full traffic PCAP file wirtten!\n")
At the end of the testscript an exit function is called. In the exit function I set Term.Termination parameter to 1 and wait for 5 sec, but it doesnt work. The sniff function is stoped by the system and i get no file"FullPCAPName" If count or timeout get a value, the code works without problemms and i get my FullPCAPName file with he complet traffic on my Interface.
Have anybody hinds how i can stopt the sniff function regulary after finisching the testscript?
Use of the stop_filter command as specified here worked for me. I've duplicated HenningCash's code below for convenience:
import time, threading
from scapy.all import sniff
e = threading.Event()
def _sniff(e):
a = sniff(filter="tcp port 80", stop_filter=lambda p: e.is_set())
print("Stopped after %i packets" % len(a))
print("Start capturing thread")
t = threading.Thread(target=_sniff, args=(e,))
print("Try to shutdown capturing...")
# This will run until you send a HTTP request somewhere
# There is no way to exit clean if no package is received
while True:
if t.is_alive():
print("Thread is still running...")
print("Shutdown complete!")
However, you still have to wait for a final packet to be sniffed, which might not be ideal in your scenario.