
Limit SSH access by AWS security group

I have two EC2 instances, both in the same public subnet and both in the same availability zone.

I want one of the instances to be able to access the other via SSH.

Here are the security groups I have configured so far:

Instance #1: Web Server

Instance #2: SSH Only

I want #1 to only be accessible by SSH from #2.

I thought I could do that by assigning the same security group (allow_internal_ssh) to both, however, it's not working!

With the setup described above, I cannot connect to #2.

If I give both instances the allow_ssh security group I can access the SSH server (#2) and then from there login to the web server (#1).

Any advice on debugging this or help to setup SSH access from the same security group would be very much appreciated!


  • It sounds like your requirements are:

    Instance #1 (Web Server):

    Instance #2:

    To accomplish this, you would need two security groups -- one associated with each instance.

    You should create a security group for Instance #1:

    You should create a security group for Instance #2:

    The magic is that one security group (#1) can refer to another security group (#2). In the above configuration, any instance associated with security group #2 would be allowed to access any instance associated with security group #1 on port 22. (Of course, standard login and keypairs would still be required.)