
Get Attributes listed in the "Details" Tab with Powershell

I'm trying to retrieve some extended file attributes (mp3 files to be precise) listed in the "Details" tab, section "Media" with PowerShell.

There are additional attributes like bitrate, genre, album, etc.

Sadly Get-ItemProperty -Path $pathtofile | Format-List does not return those.

Get-ItemProperty -Path $pathtofile | Get-Member does not list them either.

Strange enough, Get-ItemProperty returns the same output as Get-ChildItem.
I've tried different files (even non mp3s) and PowerShell does not list the "detail" attributes anywhere.

Where does windows store these? Also how can one list them?


  • Update 3; I found a better script that should do exactly what you want provided by the incredible "Hey! Scripting Guy" blog. They already built a function that lets you view all of the details of music/mp3 files.

    Blog post
