
Java NIO: How to know when SocketChannel read() is complete with non-blocking I/O

I am currently using a non-blocking SocketChannel (Java 1.6) to act as a client to a Redis server. Redis accepts plain-text commands directly over a socket, terminated by CRLF and responds in-like, a quick example:

SEND: 'PING\r\n'

RECV: '+PONG\r\n'

Redis can also return huge replies (depending on what you are asking for) with many sections of \r\n-terminated data all as part of a single response.

I am using a standard while( > 0) {//append bytes} loop to read bytes from the socket and re-assemble them client side into a reply.

NOTE: I am not using a Selector, just multiple, client-side SocketChannels connected to the server, waiting to service send/receive commands.

What I'm confused about is the contract of the method in non-blocking mode, specifically, how to know when the server is done sending and I have the entire message.

I have a few methods to protect against returning too fast and giving the server a chance to reply, but the one thing I'm stuck on is:

  1. Is it ever possible for read() to return bytes, then on a subsequent call return no bytes, but on another subsequent call again return some bytes?

Basically, can I trust that the server is done responding to me if I have received at least 1 byte and eventually read() returns 0 then I know I'm done, or is it possible the server was just busy and might sputter back some more bytes if I wait and keep trying?

If it can keep sending bytes even after a read() has returned 0 bytes (after previous successful reads) then I have no idea how to tell when the server is done talking to me and in-fact am confused how* style communications would even know when the server is "done" either.

As you guys know read never returns -1 unless the connection is dead and these are standard long-lived DB connections, so I won't be closing and opening them on each request.

I know a popular response (atleast for these NIO questions) have been to look at Grizzly, MINA or Netty -- if possible I'd really like to learn how this all works in it's raw state before adopting some 3rd party dependencies.

Thank you.

Bonus Question:

I originally thought a blocking SocketChannel would be the way to go with this as I don't really want a caller to do anything until I process their command and give them back a reply anyway.

If that ends up being a better way to go, I was a bit confused seeing that blocks as long as there aren't bytes sufficient to fill the given buffer... short of reading everything byte-by-byte I can't figure out how this default behavior is actually meant to be used... I never know the exact size of the reply coming back from the server, so my calls to always block until a time out (at which point I finally see that the content was sitting in the buffer).

I'm not real clear on the right way to use the blocking method since it always hangs up on a read.


  • If it can keep sending bytes even after a read() has returned 0 bytes (after previous successful reads) then I have no idea how to tell when the server is done talking to me and in-fact am confused how* style communications would even know when the server is "done" either.

    Read and follow the protocol:

    The spec describes the possible types of replies and how to recognize them. Some are line terminated, while multi-line responses include a prefix count.


    Redis will reply to commands with different kinds of replies. It is possible to check the kind of reply from the first byte sent by the server:

    • With a single line reply the first byte of the reply will be "+"
    • With an error message the first byte of the reply will be "-"
    • With an integer number the first byte of the reply will be ":"
    • With bulk reply the first byte of the reply will be "$"
    • With multi-bulk reply the first byte of the reply will be "*"

    Single line reply

    A single line reply is in the form of a single line string starting with "+" terminated by "\r\n". ...


    Multi-bulk replies

    Commands like LRANGE need to return multiple values (every element of the list is a value, and LRANGE needs to return more than a single element). This is accomplished using multiple bulk writes, prefixed by an initial line indicating how many bulk writes will follow.

    Is it ever possible for read() to return bytes, then on a subsequent call return no bytes, but on another subsequent call again return some bytes? Basically, can I trust that the server is done responding to me if I have received at least 1 byte and eventually read() returns 0 then I know I'm done, or is it possible the server was just busy and might sputter back some more bytes if I wait and keep trying?

    Yes, that's possible. Its not just due to the server being busy, but network congestion and downed routes can cause data to "pause". The data is a stream that can "pause" anywhere in the stream without relation to the application protocol.

    Keep reading the stream into a buffer. Peek at the first character to determine what type of response to expect. Examine the buffer after each successful read until the buffer contains the full message according to the specification.

    I originally thought a blocking SocketChannel would be the way to go with this as I don't really want a caller to do anything until I process their command and give them back a reply anyway.

    I think you're right. Based on my quick-look at the spec, blocking reads wouldn't work for this protocol. Since it looks line-based, BufferedReader may help, but you still need to know how to recognize when the response is complete.