
How to remove the gray layer under inputView swift

I'm trying to leave the background of my Inputview transparent but I only get it gray.

enter image description here

The code is:

    let fakeField : UITextField = UITextField(frame:
    InputViewCollection = InputView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 216)) //Intialize custom input view
    InputViewCollection?.delegate = self //delegate
    InputViewCollection?.dataSource = self //datasource

    InputViewCollection?.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
    self.fakeField.inputView = InputViewCollection //Assign input view
    self.fakeField.keyboardAppearance = .default

How can I leave transparent background of a inputview?



  • When using inputView, you have to use the width of the standard keyboard. However, you can set an empty view as the inputView, and set your custom keyboard as the inputAccessoryView instead. This doesn't have a grey background. The solution would be:

    self.fakeField.inputView = UIView() // Set an empty, zero-sized view as inputView, in order to remove the standard keyboard
    self.fakeField.inputAccessoryView = InputViewCollection // Set your custom keyboard this way instead