
Showing alertbox after posting on Facebook SDK

I'm using Facebook Android SDK 4.+ to share photo by a button click in my app.

When user click the button, it will open the Facebook share photo page. After posting the photo I want to show alertbox which telling that photo has succesfully posted.

I've been using this

SharePhoto photo = new SharePhoto.Builder()
    SharePhotoContent content = new SharePhotoContent.Builder()
            .setShareHashtag(new ShareHashtag.Builder()

By putting the alertbox after didn't seem work. It would end up showed after button clicked, then facebook share photo page would show up after that.


  • If you use this method of share,content); there won't be anycallback. Look at there documention -

     * Helper to show the provided {@link com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent} using the provided
     * Fragment. No callback will be invoked.
     * @param fragment to use to share the provided content
     * @param shareContent Content to share
    public static void show(
            final Fragment fragment,
            final ShareContent shareContent) {
        show(new FragmentWrapper(fragment), shareContent);

    If you want callback then we have to use CallbackManager and we need to register for Callback.

    In summary below is what you need to do -

    1. Create CallbackManager

      CallbackManager callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create();

    2. Create ShareDialog

      ShareDialog shareDialog = new ShareDialog(activity or fragment);

    3. Register for callback

    shareDialog.registerCallback(callbackManager, new FacebookCallback<Sharer.Result>() {
                public void onSuccess(Sharer.Result result) {
                public void onCancel() {
                public void onError(FacebookException error) {
    1. Override onActivityResult

    @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data { super.onActivityResult(requestCode,resultCode, data); callbackManager.onActivityResult(requestCode,resultCode, data); }