
Getting error when hit blockcypher api laravel

Here is my code:

public static function test(){
        $apiContext = ApiContext::create(
            'test', 'bcy', 'v1',
            new SimpleTokenCredential('my_token'),
            array(       'mode' => 'sandbox','log.LogEnabled' => false, 'log.FileName' => 'BlockCypher.log',   'log.LogLevel' => 'DEBUG') );
        $input = new \BlockCypher\Api\TXInput();

        $output = new \BlockCypher\Api\TXOutput();
        $output->addAddress("output_address ");
        $output->setValue(1000); // Satoshis

        /// Tx
        $tx = new \BlockCypher\Api\TX();

        $request = clone $tx;

        $txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);

        try {
            $output = $txClient->create($tx);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            dd("Created TX", "TXSkeleton", null, $request, $ex);
        dd("Created TX", "TXSkeleton", $output->getTx()->getHash(), $request, $output);

        return $output;

    catch (\BlockCypher\Exception\BlockCypherConnectionException $ex) {
        echo $ex->getData();


This is what I use to create CreateTransaction api but when I change the mode from bcy to btc it gives error for checking url get/post

code source :: click here

And here the response I'm getting also it came in catch so it's a error I have create api for generate address and create input address from there and make account on and make a address for out from there to use in this api beside from these my account on blockcypher in free and nothing purchase in it

      "error":"Unable to find a transaction to spend for address CCrB7dvBT1bqNfWxupKPH9v8yN7xukmqUF."
      "error":"Error building transaction: Address 33cjwDAyNeAPVUMWqh9hdRxdmwdTE4kyTx is of unknown size.."
      "error":"Not enough funds after fees in 0 inputs to pay for 0 outputs, missing -22200."
      "error":"Error validating generated transaction: Transaction missing input or output."

I am working it on test purpose so use test main I have installed it from github


  • I find one way of doing this thing here is my code

        $apiContext = ApiContext::create(env('BlockCypher_net') , env('BlockCypher_cn') , env('BlockCypher_v') , new SimpleTokenCredential(env('BlockCypher_key')) , array(
            'log.LogEnabled' => true,
            'log.FileName' => 'BlockCypher.log',
            'mode' => 'sandbox',
            'log.LogLevel' => 'DEBUG'
        $input = new BlockCypherApiTXInput();
        $output = new BlockCypherApiTXOutput();
        $value_btc = 100000000 * ($data['btc12'] + 1 * ($data['btc12'] / 100));
        // dd($value_btc);
        $tx = new BlockCypherApiTX();
        $request = clone $tx;
        $params = array(
            'includeToSignTx' => 1,
            'script_type' => 'mutlisig-n-of-m',
        $txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
            $txSkeleton = $txClient->create($tx, $params);
            $privateKeys = array(
            $txSkeleton = $txClient->sign($txSkeleton, $privateKeys);
            $txSkeleton = $txClient->send($txSkeleton);
            return array(
                'success' => 0
            // dd($txSkeleton->getTx()->getHash());
        catch(BlockCypherExceptionBlockCypherConnectionException $ex)
            return array(
                'success' => 0,
                'msg' => $ex->getData()
        return $txSkeleton->getTx()->getHash();
    catch(BlockCypherExceptionBlockCypherConnectionException $ex)
        return array(
            'success' => 0,
            'msg' => $ex->getData()

    it's work for me hope it will help you drop comment if get any error.