
PostgreSQL index on multiple columns, when is it too much?

Using PostgreSQL 9.6

I have a table with some values I want to filter on and order by time:

I wonder if I should have:

  1. A btree index on (context, status) + separate index on time
  2. OR A btree index on (context, status, time)
  3. OR A btree index on each ?
  4. OR A btree index on (time, status, context), for small time ranges ?

I suspect number 1 is the best option, context + status will allow to filter out values and then it will scan the time index. I created number 1 concurrently on my data and saw some improvements but how do you decide between each approach, are there some guidelines ?

One of the queries looks more or less like:

select * from event
where severity = 'WARNING' and 
fk_context = 1359544
order by timestamp LIMIT 30; // Other one has timestamp > ...

Another one is looking for a timerange. I looks like postgres uses multiple indexes, one with (fk_context, severity, timestamp) and then uses (severity, time) index, but it also depends on the limit.


  • Your question is unclear. If you have three potential conditions:

    where timestamp between @a and @b order by time
    where status = @s order by time
    where context = @c order by time

    Then you want three indexes: (timestamp, time), (status, time), and (context, time).

    If the conditions are:

    where timestamp between @a and @b and
          status = @s and
          context = @c
    order by time 

    Then you want one index, (status, context, timestamp, time).

    And there are other possibilities consistent with your description.