The documentation said we cannot have the same ID in one file. That means we can have the same ID in a different file, right? I don't know the scope of ID in QML, so I wrote the code as following to test it.
Item {
id: a_item
y:b_item.x // cannot access this id
y:b1.x1 // can access
Item {
Component.onCompleted : a1.x //this a1 is a.qml's a1 not the a1 in main.qml
Item {
id: b_item
property int x1: 30;
Item {
a {
Component.onCompleted : b1.x = 1 //can access
b {
function() {
a_item.x = 1; // cannot access this id
My question:
What is the scope of ID in QML? In my test, the result shows that an Item cannot access the ID of its children and its sibling's children, but can access its parent or sibling, right?
The same ID in different files just as I show in my code, no error and it worked. But how can I differentiate them?
The canonical answer would be:
The scope of
s is the component scope.
And the component scope is:
Each QML component in a QML document defines a logical scope. Each document has at least one root component, but can also have other inline sub-components. The component scope is the union of the object ids within the component and the component's root object's properties.
Which itself is not overly informative on what the scope exactly is and how can you make optimal use of it. A tad more informative:
In QML, component instances connect their component scopes together to form a scope hierarchy. Component instances can directly access the component scopes of their ancestors.
Basically, each id
in a qml file is implemented sort of like a property of that source's root item. Except it cannot be accessed via someobj.someId
, only via someId
Which means that this id can be accessed by any object that exists in the branch that extends from the root object thanks to qml's dynamic scoping.
That is as long as it is not shadowed by an identically named id
or property
will be visible in a.qml
as well as any object that exists in the branch its root Item
It won't be visible from main.qml
as that object is further down the tree, where a_item
is not defined.
In the same line of thought, b1
can be accessed from a.qml
because b1
is defined in main.qml
which is where a.qml
is instantiated. But b_item
not be visible from there.
In fact, since a1
and b1
are defined in main.qml
which is the root of the entire application tree, those two id
s will be visible from every object of the application, as long as it is a part of the object tree and as long as the identifiers are not shadowed. Note that they will not be visible from singletons or parent-less objects, as those are not part of the application object tree.
obj tree a1 b1 a_item b_item
main.qml D D X X
a.qm V V D X
Item a1 V V V X
b.qml V V X D
D - defined here, V - visible here, X - not available
The same is true for properties, although dynamic scoping only works for properties that are defined for the qml file root element, unlike id
s which are visible even if they are on a different sub-branch, which is why in the first sentence of this answer I put it as "implemented sort of a property of that source's root item":
id: objid
property objprop
So objid
will be visible in CustomObj
, but objprop
will not be, since it is not an id and not defined in the root object. The id
is identical to doing this:
property objid : _objid
id: _objid
All id
s from a given sources are visible in the qml source root object's context and subsequently everything else that will eventually drop down to this context as it lookup fails to resolve the identifier in the "higher" contexts.
Finally, keep in mind the subtle trap - it is only possible to use id
s across sources if you know for certain that your application will instantiate the objects in a compatible context tree.
For example:
A.qml {
id: objA
B { } // objA will be visible to this object
A {
B {} // objA will NOT be visible to this object
B {} // objA will NOT be visible to this object
The trap continues - context tree comes before object tree - the context in which an object is created matters, and cannot be changed once set (puts certain limits on reparenting depending on context dependencies).
// ObjA.qml
Item {
id: objA
Component {
id: cm
ObjB {}
function create() { cm.createObject(objA) }
// ObjB.qml
Item {
Component.onCompleted: console.log(objA)
// main.qml
Component {
id: cm
Rect {}
Obj {
anchors.fill: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
onClicked: {
if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) {
} else {
As this practical example illustrates, even though in both cases the newly created object is parented to the same object that has the objA
identifier, the object created in main.qml
cannot resolve it, because it is created in a context where objA
is still not defined, but it works if the object is created in the context of objA
, and it will work even if it is burred even higher up the tree.
To put it in a more generic way, an id
becomes visible in the context of the source's root object and remains visible in every subsequent sub-context until it is shadowed by an identically named object. Visibility cannot reach down the tree to contexts that exist before the context the id
is defined in.
Note the subtle difference - a_item
refers to an Item
whereas a1
refers to an a
. And since a1
is visible inside a.qml
it will always refer to that one instance of a
that is in main.qml
, regardless of which instance of a
you might be in, whereas a_item
will refer to a different object for each different instance of a
. a_item
is "relative" and will be different in every different instance of a
but a1
is absolute and will always refer to a specific instance of a
. This is the case because a1
is a concrete instance whereas a_item
is a type / prototype.
// Obj.qml
Item {
id: obj
Component.onCompleted: console.log(obj === oid)
// main.qml
Obj { } // false
Obj { id: oid } // true
Dynamic scoping of id
s can be quite useful and cut the time it takes to implement a workaround to get access to the stuff you need. Which is also why it is a very good idea to give the id
descriptive names rather than just main
For example, if you have a manager
that manages a number of views
, each with a number of objects
in them, you can quickly get access the respective view
for each object
and also get access to the manager without having to implement any additional stuff. The rule of thumb is that the manager
must come first, then each view
should be created in the context of the manager
, not necessarily directly in it, but in it nonetheless, and each object
should be created in the context of a view
. And of course take care not to shadow over things. If you break that rule things will not resolve properly.
View.qml { id: view }
object // view is view1
object // view is view2
object // view is view3
Naturally, this makes sense only in specific purpose designs where you know what the general structure of the context tree is gonna be like. If you are making generic elements that may go just about anywhere, you should absolutely not be relying on accessing id
s across sources, and you should implement a more generic usage interface via properties, aliases and whatnot.