I am trying to write an AppleScript to be triggered by hotkey in Keyboard Maestro on MacOS
What I want to do, and please do not suggest ANYTHING ELSE, such as hide all, or hide functionality. I am looking for minimize all open windows functionality, including the animation.
I can already do hide all.
So what I want to do is iterate all open windows, and trigger the menu option Window -> Minimize or if possible trigger minimize in a different manner.
Here is what I have so far but it is not fully working, only partially:
tell application "System Events"
set currentProcesses to name of every application process whose visible = true
end tell
repeat with tmpProcess in currentProcesses
tell application "System Events" to tell process tmpProcess
set frontmost to true
tell menu bar item "Window" of menu bar 1
click menu item "Minimize" of menu 1
end tell
end tell
delay 1
end repeat
Note, some applications will have a Minimise without a z for Minimize. . Would be good if the solution triggered some global minimize action rather than go through the menu system.
Another working example, best so far.
tell application "System Events"
set currentProcesses to name of every application process whose visible = true
end tell
repeat with tmpProcess in currentProcesses
tell application "System Events" to tell process tmpProcess
set frontmost to true
tell menu bar item "Window" of menu bar 1
click menu item "Minimize" of menu 1
on error
click menu item "Minimise" of menu 1
end try
end try
end tell
end try
delay 0.1
set visible to false
end tell
end repeat