
Add rules to legend items

Is there a way I can address legend items individually?

I'd like to style them, make some appear smaller, some disabled, stuff like that. If I were to define a module/plugin, how would I manipulate the array of items?

legend: {
  item: {
    rules: []

doesn't work.


  • Workaround based on SVG editing

    This is a hacky solution that goes into the SVG markup and sets the attributes we want: 0.25 opacity and smaller marker radius.

    ⚠ It will break unless there's SVG rendering and round legend markers.
    It also FAILS to work on legend_item_click event (it works too early and gets overridden afterwards).

    let disableLegendItems = (arr) => {
      let markers = [...document.getElementById('chartDiv-graph-id0-legend-c').children],
      items = [...document.getElementsByClassName('zc-legend-item')];
      arr.map((i) => {
        markers[i].setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.25');
        markers[i].setAttribute('r', '4');
        items[i].setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.25');
      console.warn(`Legend items at indexes ${arr} styled as disabled`);
    zingchart.bind('demo-chart', 'load', function() {
      disableLegendItems([3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13]);