
Download Wikidata single entity - truthy

I would like to download Wikidata for a single entity. I know I can achieve using the URL, for example:


Will give me Wikidata for Douglas Adams in RDF format.

But this data is fully, meaning complete with meta-data such as qualifiers and references. I am interested in primary data only.

Actually I am working on RDF Reification, and for that I need some sample non-RDF data which I can test my program on (like truthy Wikidata).

I do not wish to download entire Wikidata dumps (Which I know are available in truthy format).


  • .ttl?flavor=simple produces also many sitelinks which look like this:

    <https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Адамс,_Дуглас> a schema:Article ;
        schema:about wd:Q42 ;
        schema:inLanguage "ru" ;
        schema:isPartOf <https://ru.wikipedia.org/> ;
        schema:name "Адамс, Дуглас"@ru .
    <https://ru.wikipedia.org/> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

    If you want to get rid of them, you can manually CONSTRUCT what you want as described below.

    Do not forget to send Accept: text/turtle.

    Truthy statements, without properties from external vocabularies

    CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {
      VALUES (?s) {(wd:Q42)}
      ?s ?p ?o . 
      [] wikibase:directClaim ?p 

    Try it!

    Truthy statements, with properties from external vocabularies

    CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {
      VALUES (?s) {(wd:Q42)}
      ?s ?p ?o . 
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { [] wikibase:claim|wikibase:directClaimNormalized ?p }

    Try it!
