I am using maven 3 and nexus for deploying our artifacts toa repository,
I saw that the non-unique option was deprecated in maven 3 so all SNAPSHOTS artifacts are being deployed with a timestamp and I am cool with that, the problem is that it looks like all artifacts are not under the version I specified (0.6-SNAPSHOT) so when I try to get this dependency the build is failing because it can't find it.
This is the dependency definition in the pom:
And this is the error I get when I try to get the dependency:
Failed to execute goal on project mprest-mgrid-infra-cache: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.mprest.mgrid.infra:mprest-mgrid-infra-cache:jar:0.6-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.mprest.mgrid.globals:mprest-mgrid-globals-general:jar:0.6-SNAPSHOT ->
This is my pom relevant part:
And this is the structure:
The structure is ok, under 0.6-SNAPSHOT there are all the 0.6-SNAPSHOTs with time stamps, and maven-metadata.xml pointing to the latest artifact.
It turns out I needed to add the repositories in a certain way inside the settings.xml in order for me to be able to get the artifacts.
This is what it looks like: