
tibbletime - previous day's close

Please bear with me as this is my first question here. I'm still trying to figure out how to post the data and the code that I already have, so for now I will just try to explain. If this is not the acceptable way of asking a question, please ignore the question and next time I will try to do it right.

I have a data frame that I want to do daily calculations on. For a specific day I already have OpenUnits, BuyUnits, SellUnits, CloseUnits and Interest.These values were calculate by another system. I need to proportion the daily interest base on the number of units sold. I can do the calculations, but I cannot figure out how to get the OpenInterest (previous day's close), without using a for loop on the data frame. The ClosingInterest should be OpenInterest + Interest - SellUnits/OpenUnits * OpenInterest

I tried using mutate(OpenInterest = lag(ClosingInterest), ClosingInterest = OpenInterest + Interest - SellUnits/OpenUnits * OpenInterest), but that dosn't seem to work.

I have the code working with a for loop, but I was hoping that there might be a better, and faster way of doing it.



sample <- list(OpenUnits = c(7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 
                             3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000), ClosingUnits = c(7500000, 
                                                                                            7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 
                                                                                            3300000, 3300000), AccrualDate = 16892:16901, AiaAdjustAmt = c(1844.70359677349, 
                                                                                                                                                           1845.18465061665, 1845.66582990696, 1846.14713467713, 812.516568582349, 
                                                                                                                                                           812.728453146696, 812.940392965385, 813.152388052826, 813.364438423431, 
                                                                                                                                                           813.576544091616), SellUnits = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 4200000, NA, 
                                                                                                                                                                                            NA, NA, NA, NA))
sample <- sample %>%
  as_tibble() %>% 
    AccrualDate = lubridate::as_date(AccrualDate),
    SellUnits = if_else(is.na(SellUnits), 0, SellUnits)
  ) %>% 
  as_tbl_time(index = AccrualDate)

sample <- sample %>% 
    RealInterest = 0,
    OpenInterest = cumsum(AiaAdjustAmt) - cumsum(RealInterest) - AiaAdjustAmt - RealInterest,
    RealInterest = OpenInterest*SellUnits/OpenUnits 

This does not produce the correct answer.

# A time tibble: 10 x 7
# Index: AccrualDate
   OpenUnits ClosingUnits AccrualDate AiaAdjustAmt SellUnits s24j_real s24j_open
       <dbl>        <dbl> <date>             <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  7500000.     7500000. 2016-04-01         1845.        0.        0.        0.
 2  7500000.     7500000. 2016-04-02         1845.        0.        0.     1845.
 3  7500000.     7500000. 2016-04-03         1846.        0.        0.     3690.
 4  7500000.     7500000. 2016-04-04         1846.        0.        0.     5536.
 5  7500000.     3300000. 2016-04-05          813.  4200000.     4134.     7382.
 6  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-06          813.        0.        0.     8194.
 7  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-07          813.        0.        0.     9007.
 8  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-08          813.        0.        0.     9820.
 9  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-09          813.        0.        0.    10633.
10  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-10          814.        0.        0.    11446.

The correct answer should look like this. This I achieved with a for loop, which I'm trying to avoid because it feels slow on the bigger data set that's also nested.

# A time tibble: 10 x 7
# Index: AccrualDate
   OpenUnits ClosingUnits AccrualDate AiaAdjustAmt SellUnits s24j_real s24j_open
       <dbl>        <dbl> <date>             <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  7500000.     7500000. 2016-04-01         1845.        0.        0.        0.
 2  7500000.     7500000. 2016-04-02         1845.        0.        0.     1845.
 3  7500000.     7500000. 2016-04-03         1846.        0.        0.     3690.
 4  7500000.     7500000. 2016-04-04         1846.        0.        0.     5536.
 5  7500000.     3300000. 2016-04-05          813.  4200000.     4134.     7382.
 6  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-06          813.        0.        0.     4060.
 7  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-07          813.        0.        0.     4873.
 8  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-08          813.        0.        0.     5686.
 9  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-09          813.        0.        0.     6499.
10  3300000.     3300000. 2016-04-10          814.        0.        0.     7313.

Code to produce the correct answer.

sample2 <- sample %>% 
    sell_ratio = if_else(!is.na(SellUnits), SellUnits/OpenUnits, 0),
    s24j_open = 0,
    s24j_close = 0,
    s24j_real = 0     

open <- 0
close <- 0  

for (i in seq_along(sample2$AccrualDate)) {

  open <- close
  sellratio <- sample2[i, ]$sell_ratio
  int <- sample2[i, ]$AiaAdjustAmt
  real <- sellratio*open

  close <- open - real + int

  sample2[i, ]$s24j_open <- open
  sample2[i, ]$s24j_real <- real
  sample2[i, ]$s24j_close <- close

sample2 %>% 
    OpenUnits, ClosingUnits, AccrualDate, AiaAdjustAmt, SellUnits, s24j_real, s24j_open


  • Better late than never:

    ## defining the data frame
    sample <- data.frame(OpenUnits = c(7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 
                                   3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000), 
                     ClosingUnits = c(7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 7500000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000, 3300000), 
                     AccrualDate = 16892:16901, 
                     AiaAdjustAmt = c(1844.70359677349, 1845.18465061665, 1845.66582990696, 1846.14713467713, 812.516568582349, 
                                      812.728453146696, 812.940392965385, 813.152388052826, 813.364438423431, 813.576544091616), 
                     SellUnits = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 4200000, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))
    ## defining a function to deliver the final output
    ## warning: the function is recursive
    myfct <- function(n){
      ratio <- (sample$SellUnits/sample$OpenUnits)[n]
      ratio <- ifelse(is.na(ratio), 0, ratio)
      if(n > 1){
        vec <- myfct(n-1)
        val <- vec[length(vec)]
        newval <- sample$AiaAdjustAmt[n]+val*(1-ratio)
        newvec <- c(vec, newval)
      if(n == 1){return(sample$AiaAdjustAmt[n]+0*(1-ratio))}
    ## finally applying the function and binding the output
    ## depending on dim(sample)[1], here one might have to add something like:
    ## options(expressions=10000) (to avoid "Error: evaluation nested too deeply...")
    close <- myfct(dim(sample)[1])
    open <- c(0, close[1:(length(close)-1)])
    real <- open*ifelse(is.na(sample$SellUnits/sample$OpenUnits),
    output <- cbind.data.frame(sample, real, open)

    Here is the result:

    > output
       OpenUnits ClosingUnits AccrualDate AiaAdjustAmt SellUnits     real     open
    1    7500000      7500000       16892    1844.7036        NA    0.000    0.000
    2    7500000      7500000       16893    1845.1847        NA    0.000 1844.704
    3    7500000      7500000       16894    1845.6658        NA    0.000 3689.888
    4    7500000      7500000       16895    1846.1471        NA    0.000 5535.554
    5    7500000      3300000       16896     812.5166   4200000 4133.753 7381.701
    6    3300000      3300000       16897     812.7285        NA    0.000 4060.465
    7    3300000      3300000       16898     812.9404        NA    0.000 4873.194
    8    3300000      3300000       16899     813.1524        NA    0.000 5686.134
    9    3300000      3300000       16900     813.3644        NA    0.000 6499.286
    10   3300000      3300000       16901     813.5765        NA    0.000 7312.651

    However, recursive functions do not improve performance, quite the opposite (see this post). Although in the above code myfct is only applied to calculate close (real and open are derived from it). At any rate, I believe the code could be modified in order to lose the recursiveness and/or sapply - I will give that a try and update the code then.


    The problem with the first version of my code was that using both a recursive function and sapply makes the process very lengthy. Indeed, myfct(n) already calulates myfct(k) for all k<n, thus using sapply to calculate these values was redundant and inefficient.

    Here I left the old function and sapply for completeness (new function already edited in the above code):

    myfct.old <- function(n){
      ratio <- (sample$SellUnits/sample$OpenUnits)[n]
      ratio <- ifelse(is.na(ratio), 0, ratio)
      if(n > 1){return(sample$AiaAdjustAmt[n]+myfct.old(n-1)*(1-ratio))}
      if(n == 1){return(sample$AiaAdjustAmt[n]+0*(1-ratio))}
    ## finally applying the function and binding the output
    close <- sapply(1:dim(sample)[1], myfct)

    Finally, here is a performance comparison of the different methods:

    ## Increasing the size of the data frame
    sample <- do.call("rbind", replicate(100, sample, simplify = FALSE))
    ## (1) New method
    start.time <- Sys.time()
    close <- myfct(dim(sample)[1])
    open <- c(0, close[1:(length(close)-1)])
    real <- open*ifelse(is.na(sample$SellUnits/sample$OpenUnits),
    output <- cbind.data.frame(sample, real, open)
    end.time <- Sys.time()
    time.taken1 <- end.time - start.time
    "Time difference of 0.19402 secs"
    ## (2) A loop
    start.time <- Sys.time()
    close <- 0
    s24j_open <- c()
    s24j_real <- c()
    s24j_close <- c()
    for(k in 1:dim(sample)[1]){
      open <- close
      ratio <- (sample$SellUnits/sample$OpenUnits)[k]
      ratio <- ifelse(is.na(ratio), 0, ratio)
      real <- open*ratio
      close <- sample$AiaAdjustAmt[k]+open-real
      s24j_open <- c(s24j_open, open)
      s24j_real <- c(s24j_real, real)
      s24j_close <- c(s24j_close, close)
    output <- cbind.data.frame(sample, s24j_real, s24j_open)
    end.time <- Sys.time()
    time.taken2 <- end.time - start.time
    "Time difference of 0.3530352 secs"
    ## (3) Old method
    start.time <- Sys.time()
    close <- sapply(1:dim(sample)[1], myfct.old)
    open <- c(0, close[1:(length(close)-1)])
    real <- open*ifelse(is.na(sample$SellUnits/sample$OpenUnits),
    output <- cbind.data.frame(sample, real, open)
    end.time <- Sys.time()
    time.taken3 <- end.time - start.time
    "Time difference of 48.86089 secs"