I am looking into GWT elemental as a faster way to access the java dom in GWT. However when I look at the source code for the maven dependencies, all I see is js overlays. For instance:
public class JsNode extends JsElementalMixinBase implements Node {
protected JsNode() {}
public final native JsNamedNodeMap getAttributes() /*-{
return this.attributes;
public final native String getBaseURI() /*-{
return this.baseURI;
public final native JsNodeList getChildNodes() /*-{
return this.childNodes;
public final native JsNode getFirstChild() /*-{
return this.firstChild;
public final native JsNode getLastChild() /*-{
return this.lastChild;
This isn't too far off from what is in the default gwt xml dom. What am I missing here?
Elemental v1, which is no longer updated regularly, uses JSOs and JSNI, as that was the only option at the time.
Elemental v2 uses JsInterop, the new, future-proofed way of describing JS objects from within Java code. The sources (and issue tracking) is at https://github.com/google/elemental2/. You can find elemental2 in maven by searching for the groupId com.google.elemental2
: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.google.elemental2%22
https://github.com/google/jsinterop-generator is the tool used to autogenerate elemental2, and can in theory be used on any other JS library to let GWT applications make use of it. I personally have not had a lot of luck getting it working, but the primary purpose of the tool is still to generate elemental2 sources, so this will continue improving as people use it.