
Unable to retrieve data from S/4 system using SDK for service development

I'm building an OData v2 service with Olingo which partly gets data from an S/4 System through a custom Gateway OData service, partly from Cloud Platform Neo and combines both. To achieve this I use the SDK for service development included in the S/4 Cloud SDK (

Here's my problem: When trying to call my Gateway OData service from my Olingo Service it gives me an error "No error field found in JSON". After some tries I found the stack trace but it doesn't really help me either since it just says that the Metadata request failed no reason why. Here's my stack trace: stack trace from SCP logs Can anyone tell me what might be the cause of this (credentials and URLs are double checked) and / or help me in resolving this issue?

Thanks a lot in advance!


The issue seems to be connected to the destination configuration. I tried an HTTP destination instead of HTTPS and now it's working... Still I'd like to get it to work on HTTPS too.


  • Another option is that you try to register a custom error handler on the ODataQueryBuilder:

    ODataQueryBuilder builder = 
        .errorHandler(new ODataVdmErrorResultHandler());;

    This should give you better insight on the underlying error.