
Exponential distribution simulation in R

I have the following graph:

enter image description here

I am told the following information:

(1) vertex A to vertex X is described by an exponential distribution with lambda = 4;

(2) vertex A to vertex Y is described by an exponential distribution with lambda = 2.5;

(3) vertex X to vertex Y identical to vertex Y to vertex X, and it is described by an exponential distribution with lambda = 10;

(4) vertex X to vertex B is described by an exponential distribution with lambda = 3; and, finally,

(5) vertex Y to vertex B is described by an exponential distribution with lambda = 5.

Let's assume that I'm taking the fastest path between vertices every simulation.

I now want to know the average time it takes to get from vertex A to vertex B.

My R code is as follows:

# Generate/simulate 1000 random numbers for each of the internode paths.
            AtoX <- rexp(1000, 4)
            AtoY <- rexp(1000, 2.5)
            XtoY <- rexp(1000, 10)
            XtoB <- rexp(1000, 3)
            YtoB <- rexp(1000, 5)
    # Length of path from A to X to Y and A to Y to X.
            AYX = AtoY + XtoY
            AXY = AtoX + XtoY
    # Total time of paths from A to B. 
            AXB = AtoX + XtoB
            AYB = AtoY + YtoB
            AXYB = AtoX + XtoY + YtoB
            AYXB = AtoY + XtoY + XtoB
    # Taking the fastest path of all paths. 
            minAXB = min(AXB)
            minAYB = min(AYB)
            minAXYB = min(AXYB)
            minAYXB = min(AYXB)
    # Taking an average of the fastest paths.
            averageTravelTime = 
              mean(minAXB + minAYB + minAXYB + minAYXB)

Does this look correct?


    1. It depends on the interpretation, but I'd say that you need to simulate times from X to Y and from Y to X separately, although with the same rate. If a train goes both ways and on average the speed is the same, it doesn't mean that two trains leaving from X and Y will arrive to the other point in the same time.

    2. You are not using

      AYX <- AtoY + XtoY
      AXY <- AtoX + XtoY

      so they are redundant.

    3. Writing minAXB <- min(AXB) doesn't really make sense. You simulate 1000 travel times for each edge, AXB is a vector of 1000 times of route AXB and now you are choosing the shortest one across the time..

    4. Similarly, averageTravelTime doesn't make sense because minAXB + minAYB + minAXYB + minAYXB is just a number, not a vector.

    Hence, I think the code should be

    AtoX <- rexp(1000, 4)
    AtoY <- rexp(1000, 2.5)
    XtoY <- rexp(1000, 10)
    YtoX <- rexp(1000, 10) # added
    XtoB <- rexp(1000, 3)
    YtoB <- rexp(1000, 5)
    AXB <- AtoX + XtoB
    AYB <- AtoY + YtoB
    AXYB <- AtoX + XtoY + YtoB
    AYXB <- AtoY + YtoX + XtoB # changed XtoY to YtoX
    TravelTimes <- pmin(AXB, AYB, AXYB, AYXB)
    averageTravelTime <- mean(TravelTimes)

    See ?pmin. For every day it chooses the fastest travel time and returns a vector of length 1000.

    As a bonus, the following shows how many times which route was the fastest

    table(apply(cbind(AXB, AYB, AXYB, AYXB), 1, which.min))
    #   1   2   3   4 
    # 317 370 240  73