I want to use OWL (in Protege) to encode the ternary relation ancestorOf(x, y, p); saying that y is the ancestor of x with probability p. Because object properties only support binary relations, my relation has to be represented as a Relation class and a relation individual, with relations to x, y and p (like in this design pattern).
I really do not know how to write an SWRL rule to infer a transitive relation. I.e. that
ancestorOf(x, y, p1) ^ ancestorOf(y, z, p2) -> ancestorOf(x, z, p1 * p2)
I would be thankful is somebody could point me in the correct direction.
Thanks in advance!
The first thing to do is to ensure your ontology is correctly designed for the task. As you rightly pointed out you will need reification to achieve this. This means you will need to introduce a class for representing your n-ary relation, i.e.:
The related ontology with rules and some individuals to test with will look as follows:
ObjectProperty: ancestor
Domain: AncestorProbability
Range: Person
ObjectProperty: descendant
Domain: AncestorProbability
Range: Person
DataProperty: probability
Domain: AncestorProbability
Range: xsd:decimal
Class: AncestorProbability
Class: Person
Individual: _a1
ancestor _y,
descendant _x,
probability 0.2
Individual: _a2
ancestor _z,
descendant _y,
probability 0.31
Individual: _a3
descendant _x
Individual: _x
Types: Person
Individual: _y
Types: Person
Individual: _z
Types: Person
ancestor(?a1, ?y), descendant(?a1, ?x), probability(?a1, ?p1),
ancestor(?a2, ?z), descendant(?a2, ?y), probability(?a2, ?p2),
descendant(?a3, ?x), swrlm:eval(?p3, "p1 * p2", ?p1, ?p2)
-> ancestor(?a3, ?z), probability(?a3, ?p3)
One important thing to note is that since there is no ancestorOf(x, y, p)
property and you have to use reification, you have to specify your rule component-wise, where ancestor
, descendant
and probability
are properties representing components of your AncestorProbability
n-ary relation.
Another important thing to note is that descendant(?a3, ?x)
must be added to indicate on which AncestorProbability
individual the rule must be applied for which descendant.
One possible problem is that the reasoner you use may not support swrlm:eval(?p3, "p1 * p2", ?p1, ?p2)
, which is the problem I found when testing this with Protege and the HermiT reasoner. It is possible that some commercial reasoner does support this.