I am facing trouble with android Oreo. My MainActivity has 4 fragments, which replace each other whenever the user presses tabs. Now the problem is, I am saving a value in a singleton instance in onPause. Whenever the user presses the next tab, onResume of that fragment is called before onPause, so I am not able to retrieve the value from the singleton correctly.
There is some problem with Fragment in oreo version.I created a separate app to check what lifecycle functions are called when we replace one fragment with other..Here is the log:
MainActivity onCreate ->
FragmentA oncreate ->
FragmentA oncreateView ->
MainActivity onStart ->
FragmentA onStart ->
MainActivity onResume ->
FragmentA onResume ->
Button Pressed;that replace fragment A with Fragment B
FragmentB onCreate ->
FragmentB onCreateView ->
FragmentB onStart ->
FragmentB onResume ->
FragmentA onPause ->
FragmentA onStop ->
FragmentA onDestroy ->
I was importing import android.app.Fragment.It worked when I replaced it with android.support.v4.app.Fragment .