
How to get rid of circular/cyclic dependencies in TIBCO Spotfire?

I have two tables that are linked via a relation (edit -> data table properties -> relations). One contains some raw data, and the other contains aggregated data (calculation on the value).

You can see some examples below. Here, data are linked on "category" column.

category | id | value
   A     |  1 |  10
   A     |  2 |  20
   A     |  3 |  30
   A     |  4 |  30
   B     |  1 |  20
   B     |  2 |  20

category | any_calculation  //aggregation of raw data based on category
   A     |       10
   B     |       20

To do the calculation, I use a R/TERR function that take raw data as an input, and that output computed data.

Then I display raw data in a scatter plot (one per category), and I add a curve that is taken from the column "any_calculation" of the computed data.

My main problem is that my table with computed data isn't filled by the R/TERR script. The cause is, in my opinion, the cyclic dependency between those two tables.

Do you have any idea/workaround/fix ?

I should also add that I can't do the calculation in the scatter plot (huge calculation). I use Spotfire 7.8.0.


  • It seems like a table can't be modified/edited by different sources, that is to say multiple scripts (R and Python) can't have the same table as an output.

    To fix my problem, I created a new table in one of my script. Then I created a relation between this table and the other one from the other script.