
How to reference deserialized object properties received from javascript in C# generic handler?

I have a JavaScript script that makes a jQuery AJAX call, and passes a serialized javascript object in the "data" property:

data: { Specific: JSON.stringify({DAY: "1", DEP: "2", CARRIER: "3", FLT: "4", LEGCD: "5"})

It is received in a C# Generic Handler thusly:

var Specific = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(context.Request.Params["Specific"]);

In the Generic Handler, within Visual Studio debugger, I can see the received object.

Specific = {{ "DAY": "", "DEP": "", "CARRIER": "", "FLT": "", "LEGCD": "" }}

My question is, how do I reference the received object's properties (DAY, DEP, FLT, etc)?

I tried Specific.DAY, and Specific["DAY"], with no success.


  • Rather than using

    var Specific = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(context.Request.Params["SpecificFlt"]);

    And ending up with a type of System.Object for "Specific", It might help to deserialize to a custom type as follows:

    public class SpecificObj
        public string DAY {get; set;}
        public string DEP {get; set;}
        public string CARRIER {get; set;}
        public string FLT {get; set;}
        public string LEGCD {get; set;}


    var Specific = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SpecificObj>(context.Request.Params["SpecificFlt"]);

    From there you should be able to access the properties using the typical dot operation (Specific.DAY)

    EDIT: Alternatively you can use reflection:

    Type t = Specific.GetType();
    PropertyInfo p = t.GetProperty("DAY");
    string day = (string)p.GetValue(Specific);

    This reflection can be done other ways using newer versions of C# as detailed in one of the answers here:

    How to access property of anonymous type in C#?