Last night I decided to add HTML fragment links in my computer listing page. However, no matter the pattern of linking, or whichever browser I use, those fragment links are simply not navigatable.
UPDATE on Answer: the links now flow correctly to the fragment locations after my mistake with the tag attribute has been highlighted.
I did not find any real answer, but from what I have read, there are hints to suggest that my use of CSS positioning to form the two-column layout with two DIVs may be giving the browser trouble in figuring the vertical location of the fragment links.
margin-right: 130px;
padding: 3px;
background-color: #fff;
float: right;
padding: 0px;
width: 126px;
If that is the case, what would an appropriate approach be to allow HTML fragment links?
In order for those urls to navigate to your intended target, you need named anchors instead of the linked anchors that you have in your page. Example:
<a name="SEPHIROTH" />
(without the hashmark) instead of:
<a href="#SEPHIROTH"> #1</a>
Preferably, instead of using named anchors, you could also just give the element that you want to navigate an id
<td id="SEPHIROTH">...</td>
Another example. Try this link:
You see, it scrolls down to your footer, because of the id