
Symmetrical Lerp & compiler optimizations

I had a function:

float lerp(float alpha, float x0, float x1) {
    return (1.0f - alpha) * x0 + alpha * x1;

For those who haven't seen it, this is preferable to x0 + (x1-x0) * alpha because the latter doesn't guarantee that lerp(1.0f, x0, x1) == x1.

Now, I want my lerp function to have an additional property: I'd like lerp(alpha, x0, x1) == lerp(1-alpha, x1, x0). (As for why: this is a toy example of a more complicated function.) The solution I came up with that seems to work is

float lerp_symmetric(float alpha, float x0, float x1) {
    float w0 = 1.0f - alpha;
    float w1 = 1.0f - w0;
    return w0 * x0 + w1 * x1;

This double subtraction has the effect of rounding near zero and near one, so if alpha = std::nextafter(0) (1.4012985e-45), then 1 - alpha == 1 and so 1 - (1-alpha) == 0. As far as I can tell, it is always true that 1.0f - x == 1.0f - (1.0f - (1.0f - x)). It also seems to have the effect that w0 + w1 == 1.0f.


  1. Is this a reasonable approach?
  2. Can I trust my compiler to do what I want? In particular, I know on Windows it sometimes uses more precision for partial results, and I know the compiler is allowed to do some algebra; obviously 1-(1-x)==x algebraically.

This is in C++11 using Clang, VisualStudio, and gcc.


  • If one format of IEEE-754 binary floating-point is used throughout (e.g., basic 32-bit binary, the format commonly used for C++ float), with all C++ operators mapped to IEEE-754 operations in the direct and simple way, then lerp_symmetric(alpha, x0, x1) (hereafter referred to as A) equals lerp_symmetric(1-alpha, x1, x0) (B)


    Now we can see that w0 in A equals w1 in B and w1 in A equals w0 in B. Letting beta be 1-alpha in either of the above cases, A and B therefore return (1-beta)*x0 + beta*x1 and beta*x1 + (1-beta)*x0, respectively. IEEE-754 addition is commutative (except for NaN payloads), so A and B return identical results.

    Answering the questions:

    1. I would say it is a reasonable approach. Without further thought, I would not assert there are not improvements that could be made.

    2. No, you cannot trust your compiler:

    You can partially work around this by using:

    float w0 = 1.0f - alpha;
    float w1 = 1.0f - w0;
    float t0 = w0*x0;
    float t1 = w1*x1;
    return t0+t1;

    The C++ standard requires that excess precision be discarded in assignments and casts. This extends to function returns. (I report this and other C++ specifications from memory; the standard should be checked.) So each of the above will round its result to float even if extra precision was initially used. This will prevent contraction.

    (One should also be able to disable contraction by including <cmath> and inserting the preprocessor directive #pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT OFF. Some compilers might not support that.)

    One problem with the workaround above is that values are first rounded to the evaluation precision and then rounded to float. There are mathematical values for which, for such a value x, rounding x first to double (or another precision) and then to float produces a different result than rounding x directly to float. The dissertation A Rigorous Framework for Fully Supporting the IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic in High-Level Programming Languages by Samuel A. Figueroa del Cid establishes that evaluating a single operation of multiplication or addition in IEEE-754 basic 64-bit floating-point (commonly used for double) and then rounding to the 32-bit format never has a double-rounding error (because these operations, given inputs that are elements of the 32-bit format, can never produce one of the troublesome x values described above).1

    If I am correct about the C++ specifications reported from memory, then the workaround describe above should be complete as long as the C++ implementation evaluates floating-point expressions either with the nominal format or with a format sufficiently wider to satisfy the requirements Figueroa del Cid gives.


    1 Per Figueroa del Cid, if x and y have p-bit significands, and x+y or x*y is computed exactly and then rounded to q places, a second rounding to p places will have the same answer as if the result were directly rounded to p places if p ≤ (q1)/2. This is satisfied for IEEE-754 basic 32-bit binary floating-point (p = 24) and 64-bit (q = 53). These formats are commonly used for float and double, and the workaround above should suffice in a C++ implementation that uses them. If a C++ implementation evaluated float using a precision that did not satisfy the condition Figueroa del Cid gives, then double-rounding errors could occur.