I have this interface:
typedef void (^RMIteratorCompletionBlock) (void);
@interface RMAsyncIterator<__covariant T> : NSObject
+(RMAsyncIterator<T>*) iteratorWithArray:(NSArray<T>*) array;
-(id) init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
-(id) initWithArray:(NSArray*) array NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-(void) iterateWithWorkerBlock:(void (^) (T object, RMAsyncIterator<T>* iterator)) block withCompletionBlock:(RMIteratorCompletionBlock) completionBlock;
-(void) advance;
-(void) complete;
now, when I use this implementation method:
-(void) iterateWithWorkerBlock:(void (^) (id object, RMAsyncIterator* iterator)) block withCompletionBlock:(RMIteratorCompletionBlock) completionBlock {
I rightfully get a compiler warning about Conflicting parameter types in implementation of iterateWithWorkerBlock:withCompletionBlock:
The thing is.. how the hell are you supposed to write this implementation method? I tried a variety of different implementations, moving the type out into a typedef failed because the type is not visible outside of the interface scope, using T as type in the implementation fails because apparently, the implementation knows nada about its own interface type, using something like
-(void) iterateWithWorkerBlock:(void (^) (<__covariant T> object, RMAsyncIterator* iterator)) block withCompletionBlock:(RMIteratorCompletionBlock) completionBlock {
failed miserably and I really don't know how to implement this method correctly. For now, I simply use id, which gives me this warning, but I'd like to get rid of the warning...
Bueller? Anyone? Thanks
Just use id type
-(void) iterateWithWorkerBlock:(void (^) (id object, RMAsyncIterator* iterator)) block withCompletionBlock:(RMIteratorCompletionBlock) completionBlock {