When I try to send an email using swiftmailer
in my Symfony project I get this exception:
Exception occurred while flushing email queue: Connection could not be established with host smtp.gmail.com [ #0]
Here's my config.yml:
transport: '%mailer_transport%'
encryption: '%mailer_encryption%'
port: '%mailer_port%'
auth_mode: '%mailer_auth_mode%'
host: '%mailer_host%'
username: '%mailer_user%'
password: '%mailer_password%'
spool: { type: memory }
and my parameters.yml:
database_port: null
database_name: pidev
database_user: root
database_password: null
mailer_transport: smtp
mailer_encryption: ssl
mailer_auth_mode: login
mailer_port: 465
mailer_host: smtp.gmail.com
mailer_user: 'myGmailAddress'
mailer_password: 'mypassword'
secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
I've allowed less secure apps on my Gmail account and disabled my antivirus and my firewall. Also, I've already tried to ping smtp.gmail.com, it works fine but I got the same problem.
Problem resolved, I had just to add the two following code lines:
$options['ssl']['verify_peer'] = FALSE;
$options['ssl']['verify_peer_name'] = FALSE;
just after the line 263, so it will look like that:
$options = array_merge($options, $this->_params['stream_context_options']);
$options['ssl']['verify_peer'] = FALSE;
$options['ssl']['verify_peer_name'] = FALSE;
and now everything works fine!