I know that I can use:
S = pymc.MCMC(model1)
from pymc import Matplot as mcplt
and that will give me a figure with three plots but all I want is just a single plot of the histogram. Then I want to normalise the histogram and then make a plot a smooth curve of the distribution rather than the bars of the histogram. Could anyone help me to code this so I can get a final plot of the distribution?
If you have matplotlib
installed for plotting, and scipy
for doing a kernel density estimate (many KDE functions exist), then you could do something similar to the following (based on this example, where 'late_mean'
is one of the names of the sampled parameters in that case):
from pymc.examples import disaster_model
from pymc import MCMC
import numpy as np
M = MCMC(disaster_model) # you could substitute your own model
# perform sampling of model
M.sample(iter=10000, burn=1000, thin=10)
# get numpy array containing the MCMC chain of the parameter you want: 'late_mean' in this case
chain = M.trace('late_mean')[:]
# import matplotlib plotting functions
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
# plot histogram (using 15 bins, but you can choose whatever you want) - density=True returns a normalised histogram
pl.hist(chain, bins=15, histtype='stepfilled', density=True)
ax = pl.gca() # get current axis
# import scipy gaussian KDE function
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
# create KDE of samples
kde = gaussian_kde(chain)
# calculate KDE at a range of points (in this case based on the current plot, but you could choose a range based on the chain)
vals = np.linspace(ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_xlim()[1], 100)
# overplot KDE
pl.plot(vals, kde(vals), 'b')
pl.xlabel('late mean')
# show the plot
# save the plot
pl.savefig('hist.png', dpi=200)