Is it possible to efficiently store big ints in MySQL? Not big as in bigint
, more like 1000th Catalan number or so, and there are at least hundreds of them. More likely, thousands. The speed of storing and loading values is a priority.
The numbers are created using gmpy2, Python's GMP wrapper. So it'd be nice if the stored numbers were accessible in the same format, but if not, I can always write a converter.
I would convert the mpz
integer to a Python string (for v2) or bytes (for v3) and save it as a BLOB entity in mysql. Here are the relevant gmpy2
commands using Python 2.
>>> import gmpy2
>>> gmpy2.mpz(1234)
>>> gmpy2.to_binary(mpz(1234))
>>> gmpy2.from_binary('\x01\x01\xd2\x04')
will convert an arbitrary gmpy2
object to a binary string. gmpy2.from_binary
will convert the binary string back to a gmpy2
object. The object's type is encoded into the binary string so you don't need to track the object's type.
Disclaimer: I maintain gmpy2.