
AngularJS Child view not showing

I am trying to render a child view. However it is not showing, here is a sample of code below. Most examples I see have the entire state template in a single template; however I have several views in different templates which composed each states template.

          name: 'search',
          url: '/x',
          abstract: true,
          views: {
            'searchBar': {
              templateUrl: "template/template.html",
              controller: "searchBar"
          name: '',
          url: '^/details', 
          params: {
            Data: "hello World"
          views: {
            'dashb': {
              templateUrl: 'template/dashb.html'
           'sidebar': {
              templateUrl: 'template/sidebar.html'

and then my index.html is as follow

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-lg-3">
        <div ui-view="searchBar"></div>
        <div ui-view="sidebar"></div> 
      <div class="col-lg-9" ui-view="dashb"></div>

I have in searchBartemplate <ui-view></ui-view> for the child view to be inserted, meaning the sideBar and dashb

and in a controller I have this:

$state.go("" , {Data:"Byee"})

However I am not rendering the child view.. any help appreciated. thanks


  • I figured it out. We need to append @ at the end of the name of the view for the child view. :)

              name: 'search',
              url: '/x',
              abstract: true,
              views: {
                'searchBar': {
                  templateUrl: "template/template.html",
                  controller: "searchBar"
              name: '',
              url: '^/details', 
              params: {
                Data: "hello World"
              views: {
                'dashb@': {
                  templateUrl: 'template/dashb.html'
               'sidebar@': {
                  templateUrl: 'template/sidebar.html'