I'm trying to define a Gen[Stream[A]]
for an infinite (lazily evaluated) stream of A
s where each element A
can depend on previous elements.
As a minimal case, we can take Gen[Stream[Int]]
where the next element is either +1
or +2
of the previous element. For reference here is a haskell implementation:
increasingInts :: Gen [Int]
increasingInts = arbitrary >>= go
go seed = do
inc <- choose (1,2)
let next = seed + inc
rest <- go next
return (next : rest)
I have tried Gen.sequence
on a Stream[Gen[A]]
but got a stackoverflow. I also tried defining the Gen
from scratch, but the constructor gen
for Gen
is private and works with private methods/types.
This attempt also gives a stackoverflow.
def go(seed: Int): Gen[Stream[Int]] =
for {
inc <- Gen.choose(1, 2)
next = seed + inc
rest <- Gen.lzy(go(next))
} yield next #:: rest
val increasingInts: Gen[Stream[Int]] = go(0)
increasingInts(Gen.Parameters.default, Seed.random()).get foreach println
So I'm stuck. Any ideas?
What you want can be achieved with this:
val increasingInts = {
val increments = Gen.choose(1, 2)
val initialSeed = 0
for {
stream <- Gen.infiniteStream(increments)
} yield stream.scanLeft(initialSeed)(_ + _)
is like a .foldLeft
but retains the intermediate values, thus giving you another Stream
I've written about scanLeft
here: https://www.scalawilliam.com/most-important-streaming-abstraction/