Trying to capture image using frame grabber device by implementing G-API, but I am not able to access internal functions from G-API. After creating object, functions still not able to access. Here is the link for G-API LINK. However, I am not able to create instances of its classes.
Below are my findings:
1) I have done the declaration as below
Dim Compare_full_image As GApiWrapper.Lvds.G_Lvds
2) Then in my function I have tried creating its instance as below
Capture_full_image = New GApiWrapper.Lvds.G_Lvds()
3) I called the function as below
Capture_full_image.Lvds_FrameGrabber_CaptureToFile(1, 400, 800, "C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures")
4) After running the code I am getting below RUN time error
Error 1:
GApiWrapper.Lvds.G_Lvds.Friend Sub New()
is not accessible in this context because it isFriend
May be the methods will be static so please try accessing using a static class. Hope it helps use this: