I am using a custom editor for an embedded systems project. For source code I would like to get ctags working from command line and give me search results on commandline. Other option is to work with cscope in non interactive mode so I can include it in my editor at a later date. I did some initial web search but couldn't find anything relevant to accomplish this.
Does anyone know how to use either of these tools from command line?? Any tutorial?
Thanks. Have a great day.
Using readtags.c shipped as part of ctags implementation, you can search a tag from given tags file.
Let me show an example:
$ ctags -R main
$ readtags -t tags kindDefinition
kindDefinition main/types.h /^typedef struct sKindDefinition kindDefinition;$/
$ readtags -t tags -e kindDefinition
kindDefinition main/types.h /^typedef struct sKindDefinition kindDefinition;$/;" kind:t typeref:struct:sKindDefinition