
What is difference between \ and \\

I have an embedded word document in my worksheet, names "Rec1"

The fields code are same as below:

{LINK Excel.SheetMacroEnabled.12 "C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\Desktop\\Salaries\\StaffSalaries.xlsm" مالي!R2C13 \a \f 4 \r  \* MERGEFORMAT}

What is the different and using "\ \" (double BackSlash) character with "\" one?


  • Word field codes originate in the C programming language. In that language, the backslash is used to indicate what in Office are called "switches" (like parameters). You see this a lot in command-lines, as well.

    So in the LINK field you show us, \a, \f 4, \r and * Mergeformat are telling Word how to manage the field code (more info at

    Because a single backslash denotes a switch, when you want to pass a literal backslash you need to double it up. This is the case for a file path, for example.