I've been creating a personal project and trying to use the Twitch Embedded API to display Twitch streams and the chat within my web page. I have some experience with ReactJS but I'm not sure how to handle this situation at the moment.
Here is the HTML of how one would embed a twitch stream from the Twitch API docs:
<!-- Add a placeholder for the Twitch embed -->
<div id="twitch-embed"></div>
<!-- Load the Twitch embed script -->
<script src="https://embed.twitch.tv/embed/v1.js"></script>
<!-- Create a Twitch.Embed object that will render within the "twitch-embed" root element. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
new Twitch.Embed("twitch-embed", {
width: 854,
height: 480,
channel: "monstercat"
What is the best way to accomplish this while using React?
Running code: https://jsfiddle.net/tadachi/7jzfnw99/8/
Since twitch doesn't supply npm packages for their twitch embeds and you want to be able to be as react-like as possible, I created an element that supplies the external twitch script, put it in onComponentMount(), then render it.
const EMBED_URL = 'https://embed.twitch.tv/embed/v1.js';
class Hello extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
let embed;
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.addEventListener('load', () => {
embed = new window.Twitch.Embed(this.props.targetID, { ...this.props });
render() {
return (
Hello {this.props.targetID} {this.props.width} {this.props.height}
<div id={this.props.targetID}>test</div>
Hello.defaultProps = {
targetID: 'twitch-embed',
width: '940',
height: '480',
<Hello />,