
Fastlane upload to crashlytics fails with error fetching remote file

My Error : Fastlane upload to crashlytics fails with the following error :

[12:59:37]: Error fetching remote file: Exit status of command 'unzip 'C:/Users/xxxx/Library/CrashlyticsAndroid/' -d 'C:/Users/xxxx/Library/CrashlyticsAndroid'' was 2 instead of 0.

Archive: C:/Users/xxxx/Library/CrashlyticsAndroid/

warning [C:/Users/xxxx/Library/CrashlyticsAndroid/]: 30829 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway)

file #1: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 30829 (attempting to re-compensate) inflating:

error: invalid compressed data to inflate bad CRC 00000000 (should be 313e1340)

file #2: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 839 (attempting to re-compensate)

file #2: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 839 file #3: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 34909

Fastlane env : my fastlane environment is here


  • fastlane is not officially supported on Windows (yet). My suggestion is to do this on macOS. (I also commented this on your GitHub issue).