I am trying to write an Android app to access and display Feedly subscriptions to the user.
For this purpose , I need to post a URL to Feedly API and in return it send back HTML code for login page.
URL example to post:
Here, I use http://localhost as redirect URI because I am not hosting anything for this application.
after the user logs in, Feedly API redirects a code to http://localhost
Now, I have 2 issues: 1. I don't know how to display the web page for login on Android. How can I do that and let the user login ? What is the best practice for such purpose ? 2. How can I get the access token which is sent back to the redirect URI as a parameter ?
for the first question maybe I can use webview as suggested in another question. How to display a webpage in android?
BUT then how shall I get the code returning to the redirect_uri ?
I solved this by calling mobile browser with correct URL:
String url = "http://cloud.feedly.com/v3/auth/auth?client_id=xxxx&redirect_uri=myownuri%3A%2F%2F&scope=https://cloud.feedly.com/subscriptions&response_type=code";
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
and then fetching the redirected URL by registering a custom URI in the manifest file:
android:label="Feedly Login" >
<data android:scheme="myownuri" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
then I parse the returned parameter in my activity :
Uri data = this.getIntent().getData();
if (data != null && data.isHierarchical()) {
String url = this.getIntent().getDataString();