How can I access the Error.code property? I get a Typescript error because the property 'code' does not exist on type 'Error'.
this.authCtrl.login(user, {
provider: AuthProviders.Password,
method: AuthMethods.Password
}).then((authData) => {
}).catch((error) => {
console.log(error); // I see a code property
console.log(error.code); //error
The real issue is that the Node.js definition file isn't exporting a proper Error definition. It uses the following for Error (and doesn't export this):
interface Error {
stack?: string;
The actual definition it exports is in the NodeJS namespace:
export interface ErrnoException extends Error {
errno?: number;
code?: string;
path?: string;
syscall?: string;
stack?: string;
So the following typecast will work:
.catch((error: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => {
This seems like a flaw in Node's definition, since it doesn't line up with what an object from new Error() actually contains. TypeScript will enforce the interface Error definition.